I'm a life long Hoosier who's spent the the majority of my adult life serving our country and community. I graduated from Mooresville High School in 1987, then attended Hanover College, graduating in 1991. I was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps on May 25th of that year.
I was selected to attend flight school. But first, because every Marine is a rifleman first, I attended The Basic School in Quantico, VA, where I not only learned how to operate every basic Marine Corps weapon, I was given the foundation of leadership skills. Those skills have served me well, and I continue to build on them every day.
After TBS, I began my journey to become a Naval Aviator. I graduated #1 in my basic flight training class and was selected to fly jets. I earned my Marine Aviator Wings of Gold March 17, 1995. I was selected to fly the AV8B Harrier. In January of 2000, I returned home to Indiana and transitioned into an active duty position with the Indiana Air National Guard, continuing my time in the cockpit as an F16 pilot. I was also the Commander of the Air to Ground Range at Camp Atterbury. In addition to serving in the Air Force, I led numerous humanitarian missions for 11 years to Mexico, delivering critical services and relief to the people of Calnali.
I retired from the military as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2013 and was hired by the National Rifle Association as the Indiana field representative. I led the country in fundraising for multiple years. We supported the NRA not-for-profit mission and other programs vital to protecting our 2nd Amendment rights. I continue to serve the NRA as a National Board Member.
Today, I live in my hometown of Mooresville, IN, with my wife Brooke. We are blessed with four wonderful children. I'm a small business owner in addition to being a board member for The 2A Project and The Warrior 110.
I'm proud to be your representative for Indiana District 57. I promise to always keep my fellow Hoosiers as the focus of my efforts. I'll be sure to check in regularly with my constituents and never forget where I came from.
Our Country is a great place to live.
Let's make sure it stays that way.

Lt Col Craig "Merle" Haggard (Retired)